Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Naruto 552 Spoiler - Naruto Manga 552

English script by UchihaSage

nagato says "bye guys, l8rs!"

itachi tells naruto "hokage is not someone who supports everyone. hokage is supported by everyone. dont forget your friends."
then itachi says "killer bee, please take care of naruto" then uses art of run no jutsu

one thing, naruto claims he can deal all of the edo tenseis himself
then he tries kage bunshin and cant do it in chakra mode
so bee tells him not to make any more chakra mode kage bunshins

More script by takL

Bee: youre not a Shinobi that is merely strong…
You are…
Itachi: Killerbee…
Look after Naruto
Naruto: We too, Lets go,…
Bee Otchan.

The 2nd mizu: Like I said…
Its no use attacking me of now, oy!!
I am a mirage now!
Shinobi allies: then what shalld we do!?
The 2nd Mizu: Put down the clam first!!

"Fuuton: Kakeami(netting?)!"
Temari: Good!!
The sealing group, hurry up!!

Gaara:behind you!! Tuchikage
Tuchikage: !!! (in such a moment!!)
Mu "JINTON: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu!!"
End caption: finally (he) arrives?

More script by Yagami

So long, brother pupil.
Nagato : Later ...

Nagato is sealed.
The battle is at it climax.

Kabuto : !!
Damn you, Nagato.
So, you did lack mobility. ( I don't really know )
I was planning to use your Rinnegan summons linked vision without instead.

But Itachi used his Shuriken Jutsu within a blind spot that I couldn't dodge.
It seems I have no choice but to use my trump card.

Bee : Along the way. We fought with that Edo Tensei guy.
The Sand dude did sealed him but he didn't or couldn't kill him.
Wasn't Edo Tensei supposed to be a perfect jutsu without weak points ?

Itachi : I told you, EVERY jutsu has a weak point. No exception.
Bee : I don't know about that.

Naruto : Back into business ! I told I have to stop this war.
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu !
*Naruto reverts to base*

Bee : Your overdid it with that kyuubi chakra mode of yours.
Don't do clones anymore.

Itachi : Don't try being a hero all by yourself.
To stop Edo Tensei you could use me too.
I have an idea.

Naruto : I will finish this war alone !
I will take responsability myself.
This is my duty.

Itachi : It's not that thoses who became Hokage are now aknowledged by everyone.
But rather thoses who were aknowledged can become Hokage.

Bee : It's not only about strenght, you know.
Itachi : Killer Bee. Take care of Naruto !
Bee : Yo, Ok !
Naruto : Let's move, Bee !

Muu : How many time to I have to tell you.
Your attacks are pointless ! I'm just a mirage.

Ninjas : What are we gonna do ?
2nd Mizukage : Defeat the real one.

Temari : Fuuton - Kakeami
Perfect ! Sealing squad, hurry up !

Gaara : Behind you, Tsuchikage !
Oonoki : Damn, my back. Not now !

Muu : Jinton - Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu !
*Rasengan pop up*
Gaara : ( Is this ... ? )

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